Link My Toes To Bar (6 Week Program)

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  • $64.00
  • Regular price $80.00
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Achieve your first Toes-to-bar in ONLY 6 weeks!

If you can do 1 strict pull-up...

You should be able to perform toes-to-bar.

But the problem is most CrossFit gyms don't have the time to teach it properly.

This is why we created a 6 week program.

With over 24 educational videos...

Everything you need to link your first toes-to-bar can be found in this program!

Money back gaurantee if you cannot link toes-to-bar after the 6 weeks (*terms and conditions apply).

*It's important that you meet the strength requirements and follow the program exactly as it's written and have contacted @balakey06 or for help first.